Fast Eyes & Memory photos yes or no
Giới thiệu Fast Eyes & Memory photos yes or no
Fast Eyes is a simple game, You just choose Choose YES if the previous picture resembles the recent picture, otherwise choose NO, giving players the ability to remember exercises, quick hands, quick eyes, free time playing appropriate.
Fast Eyes with levels from easy to difficult, at the easy level are 5 photos with 5 different themes and timeout for each photos is 5 seconds. At the nomarl level are 10 photos with 5 different themes and timeout for each photos is 5 seconds, each theme has two nearly identical photos and timeout for each photos is 5 seconds. At the difficulty level are 9 photos with 3 different themes and timeout for each photos is 3 seconds, each theme has three nearly identical photos and timeout for each photos is 3 seconds.
Scores: Points will be calculated at the time of the selected photos
Hình ảnh Fast Eyes & Memory photos yes or no

Thiết bị hỗ trợ
[symple_accordion title=”Xem thiết bị hỗ trợ Game này”]
Thông tin bổ sung
File Size: 31,863.00 MB
Phiên bản: 1.3
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Ngày cập nhật: 2016-04-22 17:03:50